
The Making of the Vortigern Legend
John Norwood opens the Caves as a show place. He gives them the fanciful name of ‘The Vortigern Cave’ and claims they date to 454AD.
Margate Caves
Nov 12, 20161 min read

The Caves are Rediscovered
Bryan House was put up for auction and Francis Forster, heir to a substantial estate in Northumberland, purchases it as his new family home.
Margate Caves
Nov 12, 20161 min read

Margate Welcomes a Visionary Schoolmistress
A large building is constructed on our site. It is owned and occupied by Mrs Margaret Bryan who runs a Boarding School for Young Ladies.
Margate Caves
Nov 12, 20162 min read

Chalk Mining Begins
In the early 1700s, chalk mining begins on the site. Chalk is an important mineral and is used in the production of quicklime and bricks.
Margate Caves
Nov 12, 20162 min read

Iron Age Margate
A flourishing Iron Age community live on our site in a large community, based in a walled hill fort to protect them against violent attacks.
Margate Caves
Nov 12, 20161 min read